Agronomy Update 8/10/22
The BIG talk is drought. We are divided into the HAVE and HAVE NOTS. In those dry areas, corn will first start aborting kernels from the tip down. The plants will lose leaves from the bottom up. Fields that are also stressed due to fertility or other problems may see stalk issues as the plant…

Seed Conditioning & Handling Addition Almost Completed
Jacobsen Seed is close to completing an addition that will house a new, state-of-the-art seed conditioning and packaging plant. The expansion project takes our seed quality to the highest level in the industry. Increased demand for Jacobsen’s corn hybrids and soybean varieties has driven our recent growth, while the company’s product knowledge, performance and service…

Jacobsen’s Response to COVID-19
The last few weeks have seen drastic changes in how our society functions on a daily basis due to COVID-19 and the effort to manage it. Jacobsen Seed recognizes that this virus presents danger to our customers and their families. It is important to us to keep you informed about our intentions of how to…

Introducing SaluTec Seed Treatment from Jacobsen Seed!
At Jacobsen Seed, we are continually striving to bring the newest and most profitable products in genetics, traits, in-field and in-machine technology. This includes bringing Climate FieldView, and seed treatments to you, our loyal customers. This is why we are excited to announce the SaluTec Seed Treatment line from Jacobsen Seed. We have worked diligently…

Jacobsen Seed’s Position on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans
The Jacobsen Seed Team is dedicated to helping you grow the healthiest and most profitable crop that you can. That is why we careful screen our seed, treatment, and technology offerings to offer the best performing products for our sales territory. A strong example of seed and technology coming together is the Roundup Ready 2…

Join us for the 2017 Jacobsen Field Showcase Wed., August 23 • 4-8 PM
Please join us for our annual Field Showcase at our Ulmer, Iowa plot. We’ll have the optional riding plot tour like in years past, but many other things have changed. We hope you’ll be excited about the new offerings, and hope to see you there! Everything will be at the plot! All events, including dinner and…