ILeVo treated soybeans and the Halo Effect
There is no better defense mechanism than using iLevo seed treatment from Bayer CropScience for those growers fighting Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome. This seed treatment is industry leading in control of the SDS pathogen Fusarium virguliforme . iLevo also has activity on nematodes within the seed zone. This pioneering technology can bring 2 to 10 bushel yield increases to soybean acres depending on disease severity. It also brings along one side effect, called the Halo Effect. At emergence time soybeans treated with iLevo will express some discoloration on the cotyledons. We call this the Halo Effect because it is often concentrated along the outside edges of the cotyledons like a halo.
The Halo is a visual symptom only and will cause the young soybeans no harm. The active ingredient in iLevo is photosensitive. The compound is concentrated in the cotyledons when the plant is very young. This concentration leads to the burned look. No visual symptoms will be seen once the seedling begins to grow unifoliate and trifoliate leaves. The Halo Effect is one of the best ways to actually see that the iLevo is working. Please contact your local Jacobsen representative for more information.