Jacobsen’s Response to COVID-19
The last few weeks have seen drastic changes in how our society functions on a daily basis due to COVID-19 and the effort to manage it. Jacobsen Seed recognizes that this virus presents danger to our customers and their families. It is important to us to keep you informed about our intentions of how to work through this time as safely and smoothly as possible.
Planting season is quickly approaching and we are working hard to get you the supplies you need! Our office and sales staff are still working and plan to continue to do so. That being said, the situation continues to change on a daily basis and we ask for your patience as well all navigate this new normal. We appreciate cooperation and support of the following actions we are taking to manage COVID-19.
– Keep unnecessary travel to a minimum.
– Limiting exposure to customers during delivery or pickup of seed.
– Minimizing on-farm and office visits and utilizing phone, texts, and email when possible.
– Adhering to governmental guidelines such as limiting groups to 10 persons or less.
Jacobsen Seed believes that we can work through this with a relatively small impact to all of us as long as we work together. We will continue to provide you with transparent communication as the situation evolves. Even though changes are all around us, Jacobsen Seed remains dedicated to your success.