Manage SDS and SCN in you soybeans
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a disease found across Northern soybean growing regions in the United States and in Southern Canada. It is caused by a soil borne fungus called Fusarium virguliforme. Infection happens at or just after germination when the fungus infects the young seedlings roots. The foliar symptoms that are seen in late summer are due to toxin build up. Disease prevalence (and yield loss) is worse when there are cool, wet soil conditions near planting and in areas where soybean cyst nematode (SCN) numbers are high. Both SCN and SDS are serious contributors to yield loss caused by diseases in U.S. soybeans. According to the United Soybean Board SCN is the #1 contributor and SDS is #4. Controlling these issues can have significant impacts to the bottom line of a farming operation.
Using ILEVO seed treatment can help control both of these issues in soybeans. According to 7 years of data comparing ILEVO to base fungicide insecticide seed treatments growers saw the following results.
- +2 – 4 bu/ac for SDS control when foliar symptoms aren’t found
- +4 – 10 bu/ac when foliar symptoms of SDS are present
- +2 – 4 bu/ac in fields with low to moderate SCN infestations
In addition to using ILEVO seed treatment, growers can also add the following management practices to help manage SDS and SCN.
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome
- Choose soybean varieties with better tolerance to the disease
- Plant into warm, dry soil. This can be done by planting fields that have a history of higher pressure later than other fields, tilling to help promote drying and warm, and investing in drainage.
- Manage compaction
- Reduce corn grain lost at harvest. Corn is a host crop for SDS and research suggests that the pathogen over winters extremely well in corn kernels.
Soybean Cyst Nematode
- Use additional nematode controlling seed treatment such as VOTiVO
- Rotate to a non host crop (corn, small grains, alfalfa)
- Rotate different soybean varieties on the years that the field is in beans. Different beans express SCN genes slightly different and it can help slow development of resistance.
- Regularly sample for SCN egg counts