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Physoderma Brown Spot and Stalk Rot
Physoderma Brown Spot (PBS) and Physoderma Stalk Rot (PSR) are diseases in corn that have generally been considered minor until the last few years. Both versions of this disease are caused by Physoderma maydis, a soil borne fungus. PBS is generally not an economically important disease but PNR has recently caused trouble in many areas…
Tags: Disease
January 26, 2021
Gray Leaf Spot of Corn
Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) of corn is a regular disease in the United States and can have significant affect on crop yields. This disease is caused by the fungus Cercospora zeae-maydis and has been growing in economic importance since the 1990s. Symptoms Gray leaf spot can be identified by its rectangular lesions. These narrow lesions…
Tags: Disease
Current Moisture Levels and 2021 Outlook
Happy New Year! As we roll into 2021 I can only hope things get easier than they were in 2020. One of the many issues we dealt with last year was a large, and increasing, area of drought. Areas in Nebraska, South Dakota, Western Iowa and Southeast Minnesota were hit hard. This pattern is part…
January 15, 2021
Expect An Uneven Harvest for 2020
2020 has been an intense rollercoaster of issues and emotions and its not even over yet! Harvest will soon be upon us thanks to an ever increasing drought and severe storm damage. These conditions are likely to throw farmers some major curve balls but they aren’t anything we can’t prepare for. In general we will…
Tags: Disease, Scouting, Harvest
September 14, 2020
Rapid Growth Syndrome in Corn
What is Rapid Growth Syndrome? Rapid Growth Syndrome occurs when corn goes through a sudden growth spurt and a drastic acceleration of its growth rate. This can happen after a few weeks of cool, cloudy weather that abruptly changes to warm and sunny or sometimes after a much needed rainfall. It is most likely…
Tags: Scouting
June 16, 2020
Soybean Gall Midge
Soybean Gall Midge (SGM) is a new pest to soybeans that was first reported in Nebraska in 2011. For many years it was an isolated pest of previously damaged crops that didn’t warrant concern. This changed in 2018 and 2019 when the population exploded. SGM became more widespread and didn’t seem to require crop damage…
June 8, 2020
As Crops Emerge So Will Crop Pests
It’s hard to believe but the 2020 planting season has been completed or is finishing up across most of the Jacobsen sales territory. The mild winter and spring that we have enjoyed is a welcomed change but we are not the only ones to benefit. Mild winters often coincide with high survival rates for a…
May 20, 2020
Prioritizing the Long List of Spring Field Work
Springs are becoming shorter Recent data from Iowa State University is validating what we have all been thinking – our springs are getting shorter. According to ISU, from 1964 to 2019 the average number of days suitable for spring work has dropped from 48 days to 35 days when looking at a time period of…
April 8, 2020
Jacobsen’s Response to COVID-19
The last few weeks have seen drastic changes in how our society functions on a daily basis due to COVID-19 and the effort to manage it. Jacobsen Seed recognizes that this virus presents danger to our customers and their families. It is important to us to keep you informed about our intentions of how to…
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