What is Tar Spot?
Tar Spot is a relatively new disease to Midwestern corn and is something all growers should be aware of as it can have serious yield impacts. The pathogen was first identified in Mexico in 1904 and was considered a tropical disease of Latin America for over a century. It was first discovered in the United…
Manage SDS and SCN in you soybeans
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a disease found across Northern soybean growing regions in the United States and in Southern Canada. It is caused by a soil borne fungus called Fusarium virguliforme. Infection happens at or just after germination when the fungus infects the young seedlings roots. The foliar symptoms that are seen in late summer…

The Disease Triangle and Fungicide Chart for Jacobsen Hybrids
There are so many different things that must be managed for a successful crop. One of those is choosing whether or not to use fungicide to control foliar disease in corn. Diseases such as gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, southern rust, and others are of concerns because leaf infection is essentially damaging the…

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a disease found across Northern soybean growing regions in the United States and in Southern Canada. It is caused by a soil borne fungus called Fusarium virguliforme. Presence and severity of the disease can vary greatly but once found to be present, management should be done every year the field…

Physoderma Brown Spot and Stalk Rot
Physoderma Brown Spot (PBS) and Physoderma Stalk Rot (PSR) are diseases in corn that have generally been considered minor until the last few years. Both versions of this disease are caused by Physoderma maydis, a soil borne fungus. PBS is generally not an economically important disease but PNR has recently caused trouble in many areas…

Gray Leaf Spot of Corn
Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) of corn is a regular disease in the United States and can have significant affect on crop yields. This disease is caused by the fungus Cercospora zeae-maydis and has been growing in economic importance since the 1990s. Symptoms Gray leaf spot can be identified by its rectangular lesions. These narrow lesions…

Expect An Uneven Harvest for 2020
2020 has been an intense rollercoaster of issues and emotions and its not even over yet! Harvest will soon be upon us thanks to an ever increasing drought and severe storm damage. These conditions are likely to throw farmers some major curve balls but they aren’t anything we can’t prepare for. In general we will…

When and Where to Use Soybean Seed Treatment
Over the last 5 years soybean seed treatment use has increased to cover almost 50% of US soybean acres. Treatment brands vary on their exact recipes but all include some mix of fungicides, insecticides and biologicals. These compounds are designed to protect soybeans in tough environments and the yield robbing pests that come with those…

Be Prepared For Potential Stalk Rots in Corn This Fall
Throughout the 2019 growing season, growers have faced significance issues from many different directions. Unfortunately we need to be prepared for yet another one: stalk rots in corn. What can lead to stalk rots? Stalk rot pathogens, such as Anthracnose and Fusarium, are always present in the environment but need certain weather and host conditions…