What is Tar Spot?
Tar Spot is a relatively new disease to Midwestern corn and is something all growers should be aware of as it can have serious yield impacts. The pathogen was first identified in Mexico in 1904 and was considered a tropical disease of Latin America for over a century. It was first discovered in the United…
The Disease Triangle and Fungicide Chart for Jacobsen Hybrids
There are so many different things that must be managed for a successful crop. One of those is choosing whether or not to use fungicide to control foliar disease in corn. Diseases such as gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, southern rust, and others are of concerns because leaf infection is essentially damaging the…
Fungicide applications in a delayed planting season
Fungicide applications can regularly be a tough choice for growers in a marketplace with such slim margins but this year’s delayed planting will likely make it even worse. Work through the following items with your Jacobsen Seed Representative to figure out if fungicide application is best for your farms this season. Fungicide is best when…
Midsummer Management Decisions
Rescue Herbicide Applications in Soybeans The last few years has seen the industry as a whole struggle with post emergence herbicide applications in soybeans. It should always be the goal to get full control with one multi-mode of action post emergence application. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. If a rescue treatment is your only option check…
Protect Your Yield Potential from Early Season Diseases with Seed Treatment
Your soybeans have their highest yield potential when they are still in the bag. As soon as they are planted, soybeans are attacked by pests and weather conditions bringing your yield down. Some conditions, like extreme weather, are far out of our control. Others we can and should control. Early season seed and seedling diseases…
ILeVo treated soybeans and the Halo Effect
There is no better defense mechanism than using iLevo seed treatment from Bayer CropScience for those growers fighting Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome. This seed treatment is industry leading in control of the SDS pathogen Fusarium virguliforme . iLevo also has activity on nematodes within the seed zone. This pioneering technology can bring 2 to 10…