Lookout for Soybean Gall Midge
Soybean Gall Midge (SGM) is a new pest to soybeans that was first reported in Nebraska in 2011. For many years it was an isolated pest of previously damaged crops that didn’t warrant concern. This changed in 2018 and 2019 when the population exploded. SGM became more widespread and didn’t seem to require crop damage…
Understand Growing Degree Units
As the growing season begins the terms growing degree days (GDDs), growing degree units (GDUs), and heat units become quite common. These terms are often used interchangeably and applied to a variety of different subjects including crop growth stages and insect pests. What do these terms actually mean? What are GDUs? GDUs were developed as…
How Much Influence Does Winter Weather Have on Overwintering Pests?
As we suffer through repeated cold spells and wind chill warnings, many growers wonder if there is a bright side – are the pests in my fields being killed? The answer is complicated. It includes a lot of ‘It Depends’, and is generally not what we want to hear. Most pests that overwinter in the…
As Crops Emerge So Will Crop Pests
It’s hard to believe but the 2020 planting season has been completed or is finishing up across most of the Jacobsen sales territory. The mild winter and spring that we have enjoyed is a welcomed change but we are not the only ones to benefit. Mild winters often coincide with high survival rates for a…
Knowing What Limits Yield Could Help Manage Input Costs
With cash crop prices low and margins tight, it can seem like the words ‘Manage your input costs’ is on repeat and coming from every angle. The problem is this is much easier said than done. To most effectively manage input dollars, it is important to take time (maybe some of the free time we…
Pre-Harvest Thoughts – Soybeans
Harvest is quickly approaching and while we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, there is still a lot going on in soybeans to think about before combines get rolling. Water Use For those growers who irrigate, don’t shut your water off too soon. From beginning maturity to harvest soybean plants can…