Things to Think About Before Soybean Harvest
Manage Harvest Losses Regularly stop and check to understand your loss – Just 4 to 5 beans on the ground per square foot can add up to one bushel an acre lost. Pre-harvest loss can be determined by checking in standing soybeans. Harvest loss can be determined by checking the rear of the combine. Head…
Use Climate FieldView Prime to Bring Weather, Scouting and Basic Data into One Place
By Nora Schultz, Sales Agronomist, CCA How do you manage things like rainfall and scouting on your farm? What about data management? Or that pesky weather event known as hail? All growers wrestle with how to best manage these areas but our partnership with Climate FieldView allows us to help bring all of this information…
Tight Crop Input Dollars Will Increase Need to Carefully Manage Foliar Fungicide
By Nora Schultz, Sales Agronomist, CCA “To spray or not to spray?” This is one of the most common questions throughout the Corn Belt in mid-summer. Crop prices will make it more important than ever to actively manage each foliar fungicide application to get the biggest bang for your buck. Begin scouting high risk fields…
Track Hail with Climate FieldView
Spring is Time for Bad Weather Of all the diverse weather the Midwest experiences throughout the year, hail can be the most difficult to track. Its irregular nature can leave one field extensively damaged while its neighbor across the road shows barely a bruise. According to University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 50% of hail storms occur from…
Managing Corn Harvest
By Nora Schultz, Sales Agronomist, CCA Water Use Corn that is at ½ milk line requires about 2.25 inches of water (or 0.1-0.2 inches per day) to reach physiological maturity (black layer). Once corn reaches black layer it stops accumulating dry matter and does not require water. Corn Drydown According to Iowa State University…
SDS Recently Spotted in Central Iowa
Soybean sudden death syndrome or SDS is a fungal disease that has increasingly become a focus point for soybean producers.