Manage SDS and SCN in you soybeans
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a disease found across Northern soybean growing regions in the United States and in Southern Canada. It is caused by a soil borne fungus called Fusarium virguliforme. Infection happens at or just after germination when the fungus infects the young seedlings roots. The foliar symptoms that are seen in late summer…
When and Where to Use Soybean Seed Treatment
Over the last 5 years soybean seed treatment use has increased to cover almost 50% of US soybean acres. Treatment brands vary on their exact recipes but all include some mix of fungicides, insecticides and biologicals. These compounds are designed to protect soybeans in tough environments and the yield robbing pests that come with those…
Soybean Nodulation: Why it is important and how to manage it.
When someone talks about nitrogen requirements for a crop, many people automatically picture corn as they carry on the conversation. It can be hard to remember that soybeans actually need 4-5lbs of N per bushel over the course of the growing season, or roughly the same N requirement as a 240bu/ac corn crop. It is…
ILeVo treated soybeans and the Halo Effect
There is no better defense mechanism than using iLevo seed treatment from Bayer CropScience for those growers fighting Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome. This seed treatment is industry leading in control of the SDS pathogen Fusarium virguliforme . iLevo also has activity on nematodes within the seed zone. This pioneering technology can bring 2 to 10…