Tag: Soybeans

Lookout for Soybean Gall Midge

Soybean Gall Midge (SGM) is a new pest to soybeans that was first reported in Nebraska in 2011. For many years it was an isolated pest of previously damaged crops that didn’t warrant concern. This changed in 2018 and 2019 when the population exploded. SGM became more widespread and didn’t seem to require crop damage…

Understand Growing Degree Units

As the growing season begins the terms growing degree days (GDDs), growing degree units (GDUs), and heat units become quite common. These terms are often used interchangeably and applied to a variety of different subjects including crop growth stages and insect pests. What do these terms actually mean?  What are GDUs? GDUs were developed as…

Jacobsen’s Quick Reference Guide

Farming is a delicate balance of many different disciplines. Farmers are sometime biologists, chemists, climatologists, or mathematicians while getting a crop from seed to harvest. It can be tough to remember all of the different equations and charts for multiple crops. To help our customers manage this, we developed the Jacobsen Quick Reference Guide. This…

Seed Conditioning & Handling Addition Almost Completed

Jacobsen Seed is close to completing an addition that will house a new, state-of-the-art seed conditioning and packaging plant. The expansion project takes our seed quality to the highest level in the industry. Increased demand for Jacobsen’s corn hybrids and soybean varieties has driven our recent growth, while the company’s product knowledge, performance and service…

How to Plan for Product Shortages in 2022

Supply Issues – Two words that are coming to define the second half of 2021. Parts, fertilizer and now herbicide shortages are a major topic at coffee shops and kitchen tables. As growers continue to move forward with planning for the 2022 growing season shortages need to be managed. Media reports suggest that glyphosate and…

Manage SDS and SCN in you soybeans

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a disease found across Northern soybean growing regions in the United States and in Southern Canada. It is caused by a soil borne fungus called Fusarium virguliforme. Infection happens at or just after germination when the fungus infects the young seedlings roots. The foliar symptoms that are seen in late summer…

Adult bean leaf beetle. Photo by Winston Beck

As Crops Emerge So Will Crop Pests

It’s hard to believe but the 2020 planting season has been completed or is finishing up across most of the Jacobsen sales territory. The mild winter and spring that we have enjoyed is a welcomed change but we are not the only ones to benefit. Mild winters often coincide with high survival rates for a…

Prioritizing the Long List of Spring Field Work

Springs are becoming shorter Recent data from Iowa State University is validating what we have all been thinking – our springs are getting shorter. According to ISU, from 1964 to 2019 the average number of days suitable for spring work has dropped from 48 days to 35 days when looking at a time period of…

Fertilizer and Micronutrients

A micronutrient is an element essential for plant growth but is required in very small amounts. Until recently, farmers have been able to rely on the natural quantities found within the soil for adequate crop production. With yields continuing to increase, micronutrient availability will develop a more important role in complete fertilizer programs for top…