Back to Basics: Fertilizer and Macronutrients
It can be very difficult to keep all of the inputs used for crop production organized. To help keep ourselves straight we often lump fertilizer into one broad category without taking in to account the variation in importance and role that a nutrient has in the plant. In the illustration on the right you can…

Thinking About Your Harvest Schedule – Soybeans
The beautiful and hectic season of harvest is just around the corner and will be here soon. Before it begins, take the time to think about factors (other than the weather) that may influence your harvesting schedule in order to maximize efficiency and profitability. For soybeans these include – Weed Seeds The best way to…
Fungicide applications in a delayed planting season
Fungicide applications can regularly be a tough choice for growers in a marketplace with such slim margins but this year’s delayed planting will likely make it even worse. Work through the following items with your Jacobsen Seed Representative to figure out if fungicide application is best for your farms this season. Fungicide is best when…

Manage Compaction during a busy Spring
With a wet Fall this past year and a long to-do list of field work to get done this Spring, the last thing farmers want is something else to think about. Taking the time to worry about compaction can directly affect the bottom line. Soil compaction occurs when soil particles and aggregates are compressed into…

Introducing SaluTec Seed Treatment from Jacobsen Seed!
At Jacobsen Seed, we are continually striving to bring the newest and most profitable products in genetics, traits, in-field and in-machine technology. This includes bringing Climate FieldView, and seed treatments to you, our loyal customers. This is why we are excited to announce the SaluTec Seed Treatment line from Jacobsen Seed. We have worked diligently…

Midsummer Management Decisions
Rescue Herbicide Applications in Soybeans The last few years has seen the industry as a whole struggle with post emergence herbicide applications in soybeans. It should always be the goal to get full control with one multi-mode of action post emergence application. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. If a rescue treatment is your only option check…

Jacobsen Seed’s Position on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans
The Jacobsen Seed Team is dedicated to helping you grow the healthiest and most profitable crop that you can. That is why we careful screen our seed, treatment, and technology offerings to offer the best performing products for our sales territory. A strong example of seed and technology coming together is the Roundup Ready 2…

Many Online Resources Available For Those Who Choose Dicamba Application
Here at Jacobsen we offer many top yielding soybean varieties with the RR2 Xtend trait. These new soybean genetics allow for better agronomic placement along with the ability to spray dicamba in your soybeans. Planting the new class of RR2 Xtend beans allows you the FLEXIBILIY to utilize the Xtend Herbicide system if you choose….

Protect Your Yield Potential from Early Season Diseases with Seed Treatment
Your soybeans have their highest yield potential when they are still in the bag. As soon as they are planted, soybeans are attacked by pests and weather conditions bringing your yield down. Some conditions, like extreme weather, are far out of our control. Others we can and should control. Early season seed and seedling diseases…