- What the Numbers Mean to You
- Number of 80,000 Kernel Units Needed
- Hybrid Corn Replant Table
- Soybean Planting Guide
- Bushel Weight conversion
- Figuring Acreage
- Estimating Plant Populations Per Acre
- Corn Refuge Information
- Weights and Measures Guide
- Estimating Corn Yields
- Number and Length of Rows in an Acre
- Horizontal Silo Capacity, Wet Tons
- Horizontal Silo Capacity, Dry Tons
- Formula for Determining Yield per Acre (Corn)
- Formula for Determining Yield per Acre (Soybeans)
- Estimating Bin and Silo Capacity
- Estimating Plant Population
- Volume Conversion Factors
- Fertilizer Weight and Measures
- Seeds Per Pound
- Seeds Per Foot
- Growing Degree Definition for Corn
- Soybean Hoop Method