Protect Your Yield Potential from Early Season Diseases with Seed Treatment
Your soybeans have their highest yield potential when they are still in the bag. As soon as they are planted, soybeans are attacked by pests and weather conditions bringing your yield down. Some conditions, like extreme weather, are far out of our control. Others we can and should control. Early season seed and seedling diseases can cause stand loss and weak plants. Less vigorous plants that struggle throughout the rest of the growing season. We see more seed and seedling disease in soybean fields planted into cool soils with prolonged high moisture. Fields planted earlier are more likely to face cold and wet weather patterns but those patterns can happen well into May. Seed and seedling diseases can also be found at higher levels in fields with compaction issues and high levels of residue. The table shown here shows the data from our twice replicated Ulmer Plot done with 764NR2 this season. After planting on May 9th the beans faced a stretch of cold, wet weather and took 13 days to emerge. On average Acceleron STANDARD (F/I) shows a 2.2 bu/ac advantage over untreated seed.
There are five major seed and seedling diseases for soybeans in the Midwest – Pythium sp., Pythophthora Root Rot, Rhizoctonia sp., Fusarium sp., and Fusarium virguliforme which causes Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome. Acceleron Seed Applied Solutions offers 3 active ingredients that cover 4 of the 5 pathogens while ILeVO is the number one control agent for Fusarium virguliforme. Protect your seed investment with the top of the line protection offered by Jacobsen Seed. Talk to your Jacobsen Seed representative about how seed treatments can help protect yield potential on your farm.